Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

The Virtual Expatriate

One of the most common issues faced by expatriate couples is the impact on the career of the spouse. In many expatriate locations, specialized jobs similar to what the spouse had previously held simply do not exist. This can be a critical issue in moving to another country. The potential loss of earnings, the prospect of having outdated skills on returning home, as well as the adjustment to becoming a stay at home spouse can become issues that bring an expatriate assignment to an early end
One of the most common issues faced by expatriate couples is the impact on the career of the spouse. In many expatriate locations, specialized jobs similar to what the spouse had previously held simply do not exist. This can be a critical issue in moving to another country. The potential loss of earnings, the prospect of having outdated skills on returning home, as well as the adjustment to becoming a stay at home spouse can become issues that bring an expatriate assignment to an early end.
This is particularly difficult when the couple both have high level or very specialized jobs. With the benefit of technology however, a growing number of expatriate spouses are turning to virtual employment. A virtual, expatriate employee lives and works in a different country to that of their employer. They typically work remotely via their computer making use of the internet, email, and VoIP (voice over internet protocol). This allows the employee to continue with their employment and allows the employer to retain specialized niche skills.
Employers should carefully consider all aspects of a request from an employee to work as a virtual expatriate:
1. What is the company policy, process, or precedent regarding previous requests?
2. What impact will there be regarding other company policies such as document controls, data protection agreement, security, business travel, insurance etc?
3. If the employee requires equipment, who will install and attend to maintenance?
4. Is there an appropriate working space at the employee’s home in the host country?
5. What is the policy of the company employing the virtual expatriate’s spouse regarding spousal employment?
6. Is the time zone of the host country conducive to maintaining contact with the virtual expatriate and with clients?
7. Who will pay for office running costs such as computer, internet connection, and utility costs?
8. How will the virtual expatriate’s work be monitored, and how will their performance be measured?
From an international assignment point of view, virtual expatriates are typically paid in the same way as any other non-virtual expatriate employee. The employer has the advantage however of not having to pay significant premiums or benefits that are likely already granted to the spouse employed in the assignment country. Benefits such as medical, housing, education of children, flights home and transport are likely already provided to the “non-virtual” expatriate by their employer.
There are however differences between virtual expatriates and non-virtual expatriates. The employer of a virtual expatriate often does not have a presence in the country that the employee resides in. This presents challenges in registering the employee to pay local tax, social security contributions and to ensure compliance with local employment laws. It is believed that some employers ignore these issues, and continue to pay the employee in their home country; however this can be risky if the local authorities in the host country become aware of it.
In reality most employers are flexible in approaching requests to become a virtual expatriate employee. In many cases the employee formally resigns from full time employment and signs on as a contractor either directly or through a labor broker, whereby they are paid a fully inclusive fee and are left to declare local income and deal with local employment laws themselves.

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Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Every Business Should Have These Computer Policies

One of the biggest threats to your business is your employees.
It may sound strange to say this, but it’s true. Every year, employees across the country cost companies millions of dollars because they are not properly using their computers.
Employees are wasting valuable time playing on websites, or they are accidently downloading programs, which can damage company computers.
Your business should have a policy that protects its computers. Having a company computer policy is a necessity in the 21st Century. It establishes the rules and procedures for computer and internet use.
Software Access
Everyday, tons of company computers become infected with viruses because employees download corrupt files and viruses off the internet.
To protect your company’s computers, you should not let employees download software programs from the internet without the authorization from your IT department or staff. Have the employee put in a request to the IT department to download a program off the internet.
It is your job to ensure the IT department immediately responds to requests to ensure things get done as soon as possible. This will help to prevent any project delays.
Internet Usage
The internet is one of the most abused tools. Create a corporate internet policy to help keep employees focused on work.
An internet policy should include information on proper internet use during the work hours. It also should include information about social media websites such as Facebook. Many times, people will spend lots of work hours on these sites.
You may want to consider purchasing software that will prevent employees from accessing certain websites to improve productivity.
Email and Instant Messaging Policy
You will also want to let employees know that corporate email and instant messaging should only be used for work related purposes.
Employees should not be allowed to use instant messaging to communicate with friends. The same goes with email. Be sure to remind employees that company emails are stored on company equipment. This gives you the right to access this information whenever needed.
Equipment Policy
Your computer policy should include a section on how to handle and treat company computer equipment. This also should include items such as printers, fax machines and scanners.
This section should tell employees to take care of any company issued computers such as laptops. This will help to ensure that company computers are taken care of and not abused.
Protect Confidential Information
Often times, private and confidential information is accessed and spread via computers. It’s important to include a provision in your company computer policy that warns against the dissemination of private and confidential company information.
Be sure to warn against accidentally sending confidential information to outsiders. This section should also include information about protecting passwords and internet account information from outsiders.
Following these tips will help to protect your company. Having a company computer policy will help to ensure that your company’s resources are not abused by employees.
Make sure that your policy extends beyond the internet. Be sure to protect all of your company’s assets. This can include printers, high volume scanners, productivity software and document management software.

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Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Tips to Making the Most Out of Retail Store Fixtures

Because people love to shop, retailers are always looking for ways to sell their products and services, especially when trying to gain a competitive edge. When you use customer friendly and innovative retail displays, you will win over your customers and generate more sales. One way to attract and keep loyal customers is to use professional and engaging retail store fixtures. To make your store fixtures appealing and interesting, below is a list of tips to making the most out of your retail store fixtures:
Learn about the Various Store Fixture Designs: When you know all of the various store fixtures available, you can better create a professional and compelling retail display. Full store fixture designs include storefront signs, flooring, lighting, and much more.
Retail Store Fixtures that Attract Today's Consumers: Using out dated store fixtures will not attract the attention of today’s consumer. You need to use innovative and professional strategies to attract customers. Retail store fixtures should be modern, target consumer shopping habits, appealing, and professional, in order to maintain customer satisfaction. Consumer shopping habits are always changing so it is important to keep up with changing consumer trends.
Retail Displays and Fixtures that Target your Specific or Niche Market: it is important to use retail displays and store fixtures that attract your targeted customer. It is important that your display and fixtures meet and are compatible with your customer preferences and needs.
Create a Retail Floor Plan for Store Fixtures: It is helpful to draw up a floor plan so that you can be better able to create your own retail store fixture layout for your store. When you create a floor plan for your retail display system, you will not have to move things around.
Retail Display System Should Be Non Intrusive: It is important to arrange your display and fixtures in a way that encourages people to continue shopping. Make sure it is not in their way when they walk around the store and is not blocking other products. The customer should be able to easily navigate throughout the store and be able to reach any product. As well, it is important to be aware that an average person's field of vision is 170 degrees so keep that in mind when arranging your display system.
Retail Display System Aesthetics: When you create your display with the store fixtures, make sure that your space is designed so that it is friendly and welcoming. As well, use engaging and compelling store fixtures. The overall décor should be attractive, send a positive message, encourages curiosity, and have a positive psychological impact on the customer.
Many of the store fixtures are designed to showcase merchandise to its maximum appeal. You can create a distinct look for your store to attract your targeted customer base. Creative retail displays and retail store fixtures are a great way to win over your customers, sell more products, and generate more sales. When setting up your next retail display, look for innovative ways to making the most out of retail store fixtures.

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Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

A Quick Guide to Executive Search

Executive search identifies the right individuals for executive-level leadership positions in all types of companies and organizations. Many organizations partner with recruiting firms that specialize in researching and networking to find qualified candidates.
Recruiting firms identify candidates by matching recommended or researched candidates to a job description provided by the organization. They identify, assess, and corporate officers, board-level executives, and candidates sought for promoting diversity.
Jobs in executive recruiting companies are highly-paid and highly competitive. The company is usually divided into three segments: Business Development, Recruiting, and Research. Research receives the lowest compensation, while Business Development receives the highest. Most also specialize in certain market sectors.
Usually, an organization hires a firm and pays either a retainer or a contingency fee. For a retainer, the organization pays one-third of the payment up front, one-third in thirty days, and final third after sixty days. For a contingency fee, the organization pays no up-front costs; instead, they submit the entire fee when the search concludes with a hire.
Search firms help organizations save time by identifying and drafting high-quality candidates for leadership. Most candidates are not actively seeking jobs. They have been recommended by someone in the recruiting network or identified through research. Executives looking for job placement should not turn to a search firm unless they have a prior successful relationship with the firm. The recruiting company does not provide placement for job seekers. They work for the candidate-seeking organization, not for the candidate.
Firms who perform executive recruiting functions usually fall into one of two categories: global or boutique. Global firms cover numerous sectors. They typically keep offices in multiple locations across the globe, and the consultants under their umbrella specialize in specific sectors.
Boutique firms, on the other hand, usually recruit for one sector or for a segment with that sector. Most of their offices are in the major financial centers. Boutique firms may combine with other boutiques so that they offer a network of specialties that can compete with large, global firms.
When considering an recruiting firm fee structure, evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of the contingency fee versus the retainer. While a contingency fee does not require an initial payment, contingency fee companies may be more likely to focus on finishing an assignment quickly and not on taking the time to find the right person. Organizations can prevent this by forming exclusive contingency agreements with a single firm. Without the pressure to do searches that they can finish quickly to collect the fee, the firm is more likely to take the time to search for a high-quality candidate.
Organizations can improve retainer firm performance by offering an incentive retainer structure to a firm, which consists of a payment when the search begins, a payment when recruiters produce a candidate, and a payment when that candidate starts with the organization. Whatever the fee structure, great recruiting firms can be invaluable in matching the right leader to the right organization. They save time and provide support to an organization during one of its most crucial searches.

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Sabtu, 05 Februari 2011

How to Obtain Corporate Credit to Fund Your Passive Income Business!

Like any business, you need startup capital to be successful. Most business experts list lack of adequate startup funding as the primary reason businesses fail. Your startup passive income business will not succeed on a shoestring budget as many are trying to do.
Here's why you need capital to create this business. Let's say you have $10,000 or maybe even $50,000 to invest right now. And let's say you find strong earning, diversified passive income systems that actually double your money in a year. That's a $10,000 to $50,000 profit each year. That's great, but when you're building a retirement portfolio, or want to save up for your dream home, or send your children to college - this won't be enough to achieve your goals.
Of course, the plan is to compound these gains over a number of years. But the longer your plan takes the more likely roadblocks will slow you down and you may need to dip into your investments to survive - for a health crisis, a career change, a downturn in your career, care for an elderly parent ...
So, to accomplish real wealth building and get off the slow treadmill that too many of us are caught up in, you may want to obtain startup capital, just like most business ventures do to get underway. You need to capitalize your passive income business dream!
Let's say you invest your $50,000 in savings and make 6% a month. That's $3,000 a month. Not bad. But if you could obtain $300,000 in savings and after the debt service net 4% or more a month, that's a $12,000 net monthly return. Much better.
For some, this may seem unusual - to obtain capital for investment purposes. However, this business model has been functioning in the banking industry for decades.
The banks pay you 1% on your savings account deposits, then lend your funds out for credit card purchases or auto loans at a cost to the borrower of 12%. And, they pocket the difference on your money! Now, you can use the same leverage when you obtain capital to start a passive income business.
But how do you obtain startup capital for a passive income business? This kind of business is of course not your typical brick and mortar establishment, and borrowing money for investing has certain restrictions. But it can be done, even in today's extremely challenging lending environment.
Our favorite avenue for startup capital was Non Personal Guarantor funding, where no one is personally responsible to pay the loan back. This is the type of funding that well-established companies and wealthy individuals obtain. Do you think that when Donald Trump obtains investment capital for a new venture, that he signs over his name and his fortune to guarantee payback? Not a chance. If that were the case, then one of his five or so corporate bankruptcies would have reduced him to nothing long ago.
But Non Personal Guarantor (Non PG) funding is difficult to obtain with credit so tight in today’s lending environment. We are still testing various Non PG systems, but you may want to consider PG funding for the time being until the lending situation improves. PG funding is delivering consistently, and since we have many high returning passive income systems to ensure loan payback and profitability, we're comfortable using PG systems until other methods start to deliver again.
So jumpstart your financial future with high levels of funding in your passive income business, just like any other business requires. The companies that have succeeded have always, always had high levels of startup funding. Why shouldn't you?
Good luck in all your investing!
Credit 2 Cashflow

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