Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

How & When to Upgrade Your Business Software

Ever business uses some form of software these days, whether it is simple email and internet or a fully integrated software suite handling everything from the operating system used by computers, email and telephone communications, stock control and accounting. Software is constantly evolving with newer versions being released all the time – but do you need to upgrade every time or not?
The answer lies in what you need your software to do for you and what the latest update was actually for.
If a company is using basic communications software then upgrading each time a new version of software is released is likely to be unnecessary. However, that company does need to be aware of when an update is released and check what that release is for – if it is to fix security issues, then upgrading would be a wise move. If it is simply to add a new feature that the company does not need then they can skip that particular update.
For larger companies with software and hardware systems from multiple developers and vendors, for example, upgrading might be a good idea to ensure that no compatibility issues arise. However, upgrading can cause issues in itself, as an upgrade to one piece of software might inadvertently cause a conflict with another.
In addition to software upgrades, as companies expand they may require new functionality not provided by their current set up. Sourcing and procuring the right applications and software packages to meet new demands is not something to be taken lightly – choosing the wrong package could end up costing a lot of money.
That’s why it is essential that, whether a company is large or small, they receive the right advice and technical support when making decisions on software procurement, installation and upgrades.
Many IT support companies these days include software monitoring and integration as part of their basic IT services and can offer consultancy on new applications and software packages as well.
IT companies can consult with a company to decide what they want to achieve and how software can help them do it. They will then be in a position to review various packages and procure the right one based on that consultation.
Integrating new software or performing upgrades on existing software can be carried out by and outsourced IT company in a professional manner that, while it has a cost, could save a company a lot of money by avoiding bad choices and costly errors.
In fact, IT outsourcing has proven to save companies millions in ongoing IT maintenance, network support and hardware and software procurement and installation. Many of the world’s largest companies, including tech companies, employ external IT support companies to manage their day to day network and communications requirements.
They recognise the value in paying for professional advice and support by weighing up its cost against any potential loss of earnings through downtime, lost data and network crashes.
So next time your company is considering upgrading its software, consider asking an expert – and exploring what other services they offer that could help your business.

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Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Choosing a Network Management Partner

Choosing a trusted partner for any business service is an important decision, but when you are selecting suppliers to assist you with mission critical infrastructure you have to be especially careful. Your business relies on your network, and while there are numerous advantages to outsourcing management of network functions, you need to know your service standards will improve, that costs will be controlled and most of all, that the network will continue to be available whenever your business needs it.
In an increasingly globalized economy, network availability has become a 365/7x365 necessity.
The first step is to create an initial brief. This document will include a summary of your organization and the various departments, together with an outline of how the component parts of your company rely on the network and for what purposes. You will also consider why you are thinking of bringing in an external third party resource or management capability, and what you want these external resources to actually do in very specific terms.
The next step is to find those external providers with the skills and resources necessary for successful implementation of a network management service. You will want to ensure that you have identified the skills you will need from a third party to manage your network to the service standard you are looking for, and this is also where being very specific and as detailed as you can about what you want a network management partner to do will be very useful.
Once you have identified possible partners, you need to compile a short list of providers. Typically you should select a minimum of three as this is a manageable number and will not eat up too much time. This is where you will receive formal presentations to your initial brief, which may be amended through the selection process as the scope and nature of the network management services you require becomes clearer. It is at this point that you are going to be getting into the very serious questioning as to the ‘fitness’ and capability of the providers.
To this end you are going to be asking lots of questions: How much of the network management services will be outsourced by the provider themselves, or will they provide all of the management services in-house? What happens in the event of network failure? What will be the agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA) standard that they are capable of maintaining and delivering? What will happen in the event of disaster and how will they be able to respond to such an incident? How will the potential partner handle knowledge and skills transfer? What are the qualifications and experience of the staff and company which will be delivering the services? Are they a good fit for your business and people – are there any personality clashes or even conflicts of interest between key personnel?
Finally, there is the decision as to who you will award the contract to. It will help you if you work out some form of a points system by which potential partners are given points for their ability to deliver services you need, on the basis you need them and how they will operate within the context of your overall business and IT department. Prior to selection, you must be satisfied that those areas you deem critical to your company can in fact be managed effectively by the supplier.

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Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

5 Pros of GPS Fleet Management

For businesses who rely on a fleet a vehicles as an essential part of their business operations, Fleet GPS Vehicle Tracking Systems have proven to significantly help them improve their fleet’s efficiency and performance thereby improving their overall business operations. GPS fleet vehicle tracking provides a number of benefits to help a business optimize their fleet's performance.
Below is a list of 5 Pros of GPS Fleet Management:
1. A business can receive lower insurance premiums when they use GPS fleet vehicle tracking systems. Companies that use vehicle tracking are eligible for insurance discounts because if a vehicle is stolen, it will be easier to recover. They will not have to get the vehicle replaced. As well, GPS Vehicle Tracking Systems promote safer driving habits and provide preventative maintenance alerts which helps to minimize serious and expensive to repair problems.
2. A business saves money and time when using GPS fleet vehicle tracking. There are reduced fuel costs as vehicle tracking prevents speeding, excessive idling, personal use of the vehicle, and improves routing. As well, monitoring of your drivers helps you decrease employee costs associated with time card abuse. You will benefit from a reduction in over-billing and work overtime charges.
3. The GPS fleet monitoring system can provide a maintenance alert which will let you know when it is time for a maintenance check. As well, it can send a notification when such problems occur: low tire pressure, engine problems, and too much emissions being produced. You will be able to catch a problem early before the vehicle breaks down.
4. GPS tracking will improve a driver's performance. You can monitor drivers for poor driving habits which can then be corrected. GPS vehicle tracking allows you to keep better control of your drivers' activities. You will know the exact the location of each vehicle at any time and anywhere. GPS systems provide a set of coordinates which pinpoints the exact location of the device allowing you to get the precise information about all the stops the vehicle made.
5. With GPS vehicle fleet management, you will improve customer service as it allows your company to perform better for your customers. Improved customer service will improve your businesses reputation which will result in repeat customers and acquiring new customers. A more efficient and productive business is more attractive to customers and creates a loyal customer base.
For many years, businesses had a difficult time keeping track of all of the vehicles in their fleet. Now, GPS vehicle fleet management has changed how business fleets are managed. All the information tracked can be downloaded on the computer and the data is made into a report. GPS Fleet Management makes it easy to track vehicles, makes employees more honest, improves performance, improves productivity, and makes the business more successful. GPS fleet management gives companies the ability to take total control of their fleets and improve business operations making it an essential business investment for any company that has a fleet of vehicles.

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Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Choosing a Motivational Speaker For Your Event - Tips to Help You Decide

The selection of a keynote speaker for your business can be a daunting task. The bad motivational speaker can make your event fall flat, leaving bored employees who go to the office less motivated than when they started. Doing a little research and planning ahead can go a long way toward creating a memorable experience.
The first thing to do is set a goal of speech. What do you like your keynote speaker to deliver during their time on stage? Remember, they are only a relatively short time, if you want someone who can capture the public's attention quickly and hold it. The main speaker is perfect an expert in your field or a professional speaker of motivation?
Expert in the field could know everything about your industry, but do not hold the attention of workers' during the speech. professional motivational speaker is usually the best thing to do. You can customize their messages directly to the company, while using proven techniques to engage the public.
It is important to establish your message before selecting a keynote speaker. What is the main subject of the event? If your employees feel overwhelmed and over-task, to find a motivational speaker who specializes in how to help employees prioritize and let go of tension, without feeling that they need an additional four hours each day. If employee morale and teamwork are at a historically low level, you might consider a keynote speaker, focused on improving communication between employees.
Want an accomplished storyteller? How can someone who injects a little humor in his message? A keynote speaker at the site will capture the attention of an audience and keep it at the same time entertaining and educational. Just as children in school, adults learn best when they play. Is this a motivational speaker on his feet?
Your program will fail if he can not recognize a reduction in attention. Are they able to change direction quickly if they do not work? Ask these questions and interview the candidates in advance to get a good idea of who you are hiring.
Money Talks. The best keynote speaker in the world may be gone, if the premiums exceed the budget. Do not be afraid to talk to them. A good motivational speaker wants to help, that's why they do what they do. If the company's balance sheet remains to ask what you can do. Generally a motivational speaker has any ideas on how their convenience.
Is there another company you could share with the expenses? Do they have sponsors or advertisers are willing to engage in advertising for some? Will local businesses take a break because there is no time travel? Can your keynote speaker also act as MC of your event, eliminating the need for two speakers paid? Do not be afraid to ask for help or ideas!
The term "motivational speaker" covers a wide range of speakers with a common goal. Inspire and motivate the public spheres of life they can help and where they work are as varied as the types of speakers available.
In general, one would expect a motivational speaker is an expert in a particular area, perhaps sales, for example. A speaker with experience in sales would be the obvious choice for a company expects to use a speaker to get lower sales in the right direction. But this is not just in the business world in which people use motivational speaker. In the fields of education and training, sport and charity, there is much of an address of motivation can do. Often, a speaker has a certain reputation and be known by the public before the speech. It is also common and influential motivational speaker overcame a personal challenge, such as addiction to drugs or a hard to achieve success. Others may be the biggest sports stars.

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Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

Which Services Should a Business Outsource?

Running your own business entails a lot of hard work and is extremely time consuming. Not only do you have to focus on the core operations of your business, ensuring it is as efficient as possible, provides the best customer service, the highest quality products and, above all else, is profitable, but you also need to monitor the internal requirements such as staffing, IT infrastructure and other necessary services that enable it to run.
It is tempting for a business owner to keep these sorts of operations in-house, both to retain complete control and to reduce costs. However, this is not always the best way to go about things. Firstly, it can distract from the main focus of the business and secondly it could end up costing a lot more than anticipated if things go wrong and the right expert assistance is not there or the right contingency plans not in place.
Outsourcing certain services and requirements can provide the answer but deciding which of those services to 'hire in' and which to keep in-house is not easy. These are just some of the services you could outsource to free up your time and allow you to focus more on your business and its profitability.
Marketing and Public Relations
There are many benefits to employing a marketing team and / or PR officer in-house. In addition to retaining control, an in-house team knows the intimate workings of your company and is slightly better placed to be able to deliver the right messages to your target audience. However, the cost of this can be large as marketing professionals do not come cheap and it is likely that as your business grows your team will have to grow accordingly, thus increasing that cost further. Outsourcing to a specialist marketing agency comes with its own costs and you lose a little bit in understanding of what your company is trying to achieve and the messages it is trying to get across.
However, there are significant benefits too - costs can actually be far more controllable and a budget set within which an external agency has to operate within. The understanding problem can be overcome with good communication between you and the agency and you will have more time to concentrate on your business as agencies tend to be able to work more autonomously than an in-house team, as well as having access to a much greater field of expertise. If you are comfortable in finding an agency you can trust to deliver your key messages then this is one service you can definitely move out of your own business.
IT Support and Services
Whether you are just starting out or an already established business, the cost of your IT infrastructure can be large. Your business will rely on telecommunications, email, internet, data storage and a myriad of other IT-related products and services that, should you shoose to procure, install and manage in-house, could turn out to be a huge drain on your profits. Many businesses also fall into the trap of leaving it to someone on their stiff with "a bit of tech knowledge", which might be ok when it comes to setting up an IT infrastructre. But when things go wrong - and going down this route will more than likely mean it will - that "bit of tech knowledge" will likely be found lacking. You'll need to go outside for the solution, which will be hugely expensive and will take time and all the while your company will be losing money in lost sales and enquiries.
Outsourcing your IT support and maintenance from the outset will incur a monthly cost, so you need to be aware of this, but it does mean that any downtime will be kept to a minimum or completely eradicated and that when the time comes to upgrade or expand your IT infrastructure you have the support and specialist knowledge at hand to do so smoothly and cost effectively, whether it is hardware or software. It also means that all your data, including customer data, is kept secure. Of all the services you can outsource, IT support is the one you should look at first.
The main problem in looking for your own staff is that it can be extremely time consuming, taking you away from the matters that really need your attention. It can also prove costly as if you choose the wrong people your staff turnover could be too big, resulting in poor customer service or lost sales. Employing the services of a recruitment consultant - especially one that specialises in yoru industry - will reduce the time spent advertising and interviewing for new staff and will reduce the risk of employing the wrong candidates. There is, of course, a cost to this and quite a sizeable one up front but in the long term it could prove more cost effective than doing it yourself.
Deciding which of these and many other services should be outsourced is one of the skills successful business people have and if you want your business to succeed it's one you will need to learn and hopefully quickly. Weigh up the initial costs of employing specialist agencies against the long term benefits they could provide you and your company - you might be surprised at the decisions you make, but they could turn out to be amongst the best.

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