Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Tips to Keep Your Clients Coming Back For More

Many people in recent years would like to set up online business in small scale because they would like to input a small amount of money and try the taste of being a businessman. Therefore, it could be quite common for people to find that there are a lot of such online businesses established. In order to win in the keen competition of the small business world, you have to make sure that you have a good relationship with your clients because they would bring a lot of benefits to you.
Many people would doubt the need to maintain the good relationship with the customers. However, this is really important for small business. As you know, you would not just want your clients to purchase from you once only. You surely want them to purchase again and again and therefore bring huge profits to you. You would also want your clients to recommend your business to other people so that the name of your business would be more well-known.
In the online business world, promotion is easy but effect could be low because there are too many people doing promotion in the same period of time at the same site. Therefore, recommendation from clients would be good to establish renounced reputation for your business.
In order to ensure that your clients would say something good about you, you should therefore maintain good relationship with them. You could try to build good relationship with your clients by effective communication with them. You could try to put them into the mailing list of your business so that whenever you have new products, you could inform your clients about that and encourage them to purchase from you. This is a kind of method to maintain a linkage between you and your client.
On the other hand, whenever the clients ask questions to you, you should provide detailed professional answers to them. This would be important too because good customer service could be found when you provide your clients with efficient answer to the questions. Even after you sell the products to your client, you should still try to provide good support services to them because they might have some problems regarding the use of the products. If the seller, it means you, are willing to help all the time, they would feel thankful and they would feel that you are reliable.
Sometimes, you could consider offering some discounts when your clients purchase from you again. On the other hand, you might try to give bonus to them if they recommend another client to purchase products from your business. This would make the clients become loyal to your business and this would be good for you to establish a network for selling the products.
Thus, establishing good relationship with your clients could ensure that you would obtain a stable amount of profits and you could enjoy the good reputation of the business provided that you are honest and you would deliver the service to your client well.
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Good Client Relations: The Key to Success

It is very hard to operate an online business in the world indeed. It is because there are plenty of sellers selling similar or even the same product on the Internet and sometimes it is difficult for the business of get the attention of the clients because the clients would browse a lot of website each time and they might soon forget about your business.
And for small business, the problem would be even more serious because they are not large business and they would only have a limited budget to purchase the marketing plans to advertise the products. They cannot spend a lot of money to purchase a lot of plans of SEO or article marketing in order to boost the ranking. Therefore, they would need effective ways to increase the fame of the business. And as they know, it is difficult to get a customer, so they have to keep every customer well in their sales network.
These customers would be the best promoters of the business because they would have the first person experience of using the products and they would be the ones who could give reliable comments to the products. Therefore, you should treasure for a good relationship with these people and you should try to provide good services to them so that they would be loyal to your business.
There are several things that you could do in order to establish a good relationship with your customers. First of all, you could give them some discount coupons after they purchase something from you. This is the common trick employed by sellers in the world and it could be applied to the internet world too. If you can give them coupons so that they could download the coupons and use later, they would be willing to remember your business and purchase later when they find that there are suitable products.
On the other hand, you could also set up a forum on the website of your small business. This could enable the customers to chat with other customers as well as you and share with you information about products. They would feel like being in their home whenever they visit this page of your website and they would try to stay there and chat with other users all the time.
If you think that it is a bit costly to set up the online forum in your website, you could consider providing good FAQs section for your clients. This would be the alternative way for you to provide the good image to your clients.
Of course, you can think of establishing something like a referral system, in which your clients would be able to earn some money through recommending other people to purchase from your business. This is something helpful according to some small business owners. Although this would inevitably reduce the profit margin of the business, it would be worth doing because keeping the clients in the business would generate money which could cover the slight loss in profit margin.
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Dermalogica Product Is The Best For Your Body Care

If you need a beauty or body care products are good, safe and quality for care your own body or for your salon business, and you are still confused to choose the right product then the product dermalogica are products that are right for you. Products dermalogica very good and the quality is no doubt, many kinds of products: Dermalogica Cleanser like Daily Resurfacer for Women, Essential Cleansing Solution for Women, Soothing Protection Spray for Women, Ultracalming Cleanser for Women, for Women Daily Microfoliant, Skin Prep Scrub for Women, multivitamin Power Recovery Masque (Salon Size) for Women, Plankton Masque (Salon Size) for Women, Special Cleansing Gel for Women, Age Smart Skin Resurfacing Cleanser (Salon Size) for Women, Special Cleansing Gel for Women, Skin Refining Masque for Women, Gentle Cream Exfoliants for Women, Skin Hydrating Masque for Women, Age Smart Antioxidant Hydramist for Women, Soothing Eye Make Up Remover for Women, PreCleanse for Women, MediBac Clearing Oil Control Lotion for Women, Multi-Active Toner for Women, Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque for Women, Multi-Active Toner (Salon Size) for Women, colloidal Masque (Salon Size) for Women and many more. The quality of product is good and the price is also affordable. If you are interested and you want to buy products dermalogica, then to know or see what kind of products, immediately visit our website to obtain more complete information. And to know where to buy dermalogica, please click the link!

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011

Manufacture Fashionable Wine Bar to Occupy Chengdu

Submitted By: Lanbo Jiang

In Shanghai, Zhang Wei Yi Jia Xinan sales district manager's desk, arrayed an integral Duijiang leaflets: As of December 23 in three months time, consumers can filled with 20,000 points can get a Samsung camera. "We found that the camera has already been obtained," and Zhang Wei told reporters, pointing leaflets, each spending a bottle of "Chivas Regal 12 years" to get 100 points??? That is, in two months time, Chengdu, consumers have been consumed in the bar 200 bottles, "Chivas Regal 12 years" to pay the drinks for the 66 thousand yuan.
This is just a case. Just three years, should add a unit of Chivas Royal Salute, Martell and other wine bars in Chengdu accounted for more than 60% wine consumption. Walked into the bar you might not know these data, but Chivas against the crazy drinking green tea which shares the trend has become a fashion, booze beer signs have become outdated. Chivas such a grand occasion, Zhang Wei believes that they have found a "clever guy."
Fashion Open?? "Wine + tea" as bar iron rule
Zhao Lu this is a "clever fellow", Chengdu, Chivas is the first versus the green tea, because this time, "a quick mind," even the empty bottle into bars to create the largest Chivas stores, "the largest one day sell more than 130 bottles. "
Zhao Lu bar has been doing for 17 years, and is the first bar owner in Chengdu. 3 years ago, he starts with the "empty bottle" beer is no longer main attack, but the shift of wine sales and became the first foreign wine market in Chengdu.
"At the time of the bar sales situation is this: absolute main beer, Heineken and Carlsberg alcohol consumption accounted for 85%; followed by wine, about the proportion of 10%; Finally, wine, share only about 5%." Resolutely In the "empty bottle" to do wine, because Zhao Lu saw drinkers "health drink" concept, "After all, beer, drunk, fat belly bigger is the reality that" After three years of change, "Air bottle "The current proportion of alcohol consumption were: 75% wine, beer 15%, wine 10%, while this ratio is basically the ratio of consumption of liquor bars in Chengdu," wine market, is basically seized from the hands of beer The. "journalists in the survey also found that some of the major beer companies do bars have acknowledged that nearly three years, beer sales in bars is not satisfactory.
The beginning of business or have a wine bar, that is, how liquor sales? Zhao Lu thought of the taste dilution, to 40 degrees wine Riga Coke, Sprite, green tea, black tea, green tea was favored by the market, began as a spontaneous fashion spread. Drinking in health driven by the concept of "empty bottles" Chivas against the green way to become a fashion, bar backward we have come to learn. Now, in the bar industry, "would drink Chivas's, a bottle of Chivas 6 bottles must be against the green tea, green tea, but also Master Kong", it has become an iron law.
Manufacture of fashion, and then selling products, error estimation that this is their target for 25 to 35-year-old consumer group with the successful marketing of the Road. However, so that Chivas against the drinking of green tea a trendy, whether it is a subsidiary of Pernod Ricard should add, or bar, need another hurdle crossed: "That is the price someone can afford."
In fact, the wine should not be treated as early as 1992, had entered China, was aimed at the social elite, the price very high. It is the figure often appears in the nightclub, not the bar. "5 years ago, we began to target the re-location, select the young people, have spending power and desire for consumption of young people." Zhang Wei has Pernod service for 10 years, back in 1999, Pernod Ricard believes that the conditions for young people can afford to be mature consumer. Two years later, in 2001, China's successful accession to WTO, this means that China will abolish the import quota of wine, tariffs would be greatly reduced. With this opportunity, in 2002, are advised to open an office in Chengdu, and brought hundreds of wine resources, is also the year, "empty bottle" opening.
Sichuan liquor department of information show that China's accession to WTO, the import quota of wine has been canceled this year, 65% of the import tariff to 14%. Officials explained that the wine before entering China, in addition to 65% of customs duties, consumption tax of 25%, 17% VAT, three consolidated tax rate of around 150%. CIF bottle of wine is 150 yuan, 225 yuan or so taxable, plus a certain profit vendors in the market could sell about 500 yuan, while tariffs have been reduced, the price could become 300.
At the same time, Carrefour shopping center in Chengdu Chivas bottle sells for 171 yuan, as Carrefour opened a global procurement system, so the price close to the CIF, but the bar sells for 330 yuan (plus six bottles of green tea) , during which there are still large profit margins.
Market Surge?? Chivas 1.7 Million Per Day Exclusive Liu Cheng
"Empty bottle" push "against the green wine", the wine really large sale, or benefit from the booming industry of Chengdu bar. A wine bar in the survey company information Chengdu: Chengdu, more than 1,000 large and small bars, the average daily consumers of each bar is 200 people. "This bar consumers or consumer groups than the bars in Beijing is also large, nationwide, Chengdu, the overall size and level of the bar, ranked sixth in the nation, ranked only in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Xiamen and Guangzhou after."
"Chengdu is a very interesting market," Zhang Wei repeatedly emphasized to reporters. Currently, Chengdu's wine bar has dozens of varieties, the amount of only a few, but Chivas accounted for 60%, "This idea comes from the consumption of Chengdu people." Zhang Wei that the leisure of Chengdu people calm state of mind, because confidence in the future, so dare to consumption. Although unwilling to disclose the sale amount Zhang Wei, but the industry assessment, in accordance with the Chivas sales momentum in sales every month should be more than 30 million yuan. Based on this data, together with Zhang Wei Chivas revealed 60% of the total wine calculated as a percentage, Chengdu monthly wine consumer market up to more than 50 million yuan, the average daily consumption of wine in Chengdu 1.7 million yuan!

Significantly lower prices as tariffs, price cuts into the wine bars of Chengdu Chengdu, more than one thousand bars around the market average, each family received 200 visits a day bar, bar consumers or even bigger than the Beijing
Fashion "Chivas against the green" manufacturing health drink fashion, also manufactured Chivas 60% market share
Interview postscript?? Worth and liquor draw
For the success of wine in the bar, the relevant competent departments think it is worth learning Sichuan spirit. It is reported that a bar popular whiskey, vodka and other wine, spirits belong to 40 degrees, close to wine taste and Sichuan. In some bars, Sichuan liquor has also been added, the same way against the green tea, cola drink, and has been recognized by many foreigners. It is understood that after the brewing process as our spirits, reach a higher level of technology are required, so a Duiru Sprite, Coke or ice, there will be chaos phenomenon, but now, with advances in technology, this situation has entirely different.
Competent authorities in Sichuan liquor and liquor delivery to the ideas of the time, Zhang Wei told reporters that the next step Pernod Ricard's wine brands will increase their business over the end of the marketing efforts and restaurants, more than 700 yuan a bottle of Blue Ribbon Martell has entered Tan's official food, wines and spirits in China to stand together. Zhang Wei also said the next step, and a Polish vodka called "DITA" lady fruit wine and liquors, will be pushed to the forefront of Chengdu.
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Wholesaling Massage Stones: A Quick Step-by-Step Guide

Submitted By: Sara Ryan

We live in tough economic times. Economist are coining this the second Great Depression. The job market has completely changed due to the dramatic down-turn in the free market economy; not just in the United States of America, but in western civilized countries around this great world. We are forced to think out of the box to find a way to take care of our families. It used to be you could count on a college degree to get you a great paying career with long-term security. Not these days unfortunately. The great news is that the advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web has opened up a whole uncharted world of opportunity; both here and abroad.
Maybe these tough times have made you interested in making money from the Internet? If so, you might want to consider wholesaling a niche product to a specific set of consumers. Massage stones are an example. For their market, they are in high demand yet low supply, (since there’s only a handful of enterprises that sell them through the Internet).
In fact, according to SEO Tools, approximately 18 people are searching the keyword “massage stones” everyday. Multiply 18 by 30, and you have approximately 540 people ready to buy. If you can convert just 10% of them, and you charge $150 per set, you would have a monthly profit of $8,100! This figure goes up even more if you decide to target other keywords.
So, how does a layman get started in the massage stone business? First, you will need to find a supplier. Enter the keyword “wholesale massage stones” into a search engine, and you should find potential distributors. If you are low on money, make sure they offer a dropshipping arrangement. With this setup, you won’t have to buy the massage stones upfront. Instead, your expenses are subtracted from the sale.
Next, you will need to get a website to sell your massage stones. Yahoo offers an online store for around $40 a month, though if you hunt around you might be able to get something for free. Either way, once you select the company you want to work with, you can either set the site up yourself or hire a Web designer to do it. The latter is a better choice for people new to Web design.
After that, you need to promote your site. If you have money, you can promote your site on Adwords or other pay-per-click networks. If you don’t have money, you will have to use article marketing to get your site out there. Ezine Articles, Go Articles and Article City are a few examples of sites where you can submit articles free-of-charge. Alternatively, you can also promote your store through social bookmarking sites such as Myspace or Facebook.
If you do all of these things, within time you’ll start to make a healthy profit. The main key is sticking with it even if you have to invest a little bit of time and/or money.
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Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

The Best Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation Vancouver, WA

In the business world either an individual or company we are faced with a lot of things about the finances, both in starting a business, controlling and running the company, closing companies, etc. matters concerning taxation, bookkeeping, accounting, business valuation, loans, partnerships, and other financial terms of much needed and very important role in a company, but sometimes as many obstacles in the implementation, if you are the one who's confused or difficulties in handling of tax issues, bookkeeping, accounting, business valuation, lending and the other, then you do not have to wonder anymore because we have a solution for you. You just join it with us in the "Green-Hite & Associates". Green-Hite & Associates, Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation Vancouver, WA, provides services for: Taxes Starting at Only $ 69.00, Bookkeeping just $ 50 / hr, Accounting just $ 100 / hr, Dental CPAs (Accounting for Dentists and Health Professionals), Business Valuation (Lending , Divorce, Partnership Breakup, Sale), and others such as:
- Virtual CFO / Controller for Small Business
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I am sure you will be satisfied with our service and results that we provide because we have experienced more than 10 years. We can help with your business and individual tax and accounting needs. We can handle virtually any accounting and income tax needs. No job is too small - or to big - for Green-Hite & Associates. If you interest and need more information, please visit our website! Click here Bookkeeping Vancouver Wa. And Join Us!

Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Online Surveys – Make Money Taking Online Surveys

There are many sites that claim you can make money simply by taking surveys. The truth is that most of these sites are scams, and ask you to put money up front. Legitimate sites are few and far between. However, there are some sites that are for real. What people must realize is that if it sounds too good to be true, it is. You will not get rich taking online surveys and it is not a sole source of income. However, it is possible to make some extra cash on the side if you find the right site.
Once you find legitimate sites that do not ask for money up front, you can sign up and periodically get surveys to take for a minimal compensation. Many of the sites that you sign up for say they will pay you handsomely, but actually end up giving you points, which can be put toward purchases of certain products. You have to accumulate a certain number of these reward points in order to purchase any of these products, which are usually not very valuable or in demand.
If you are looking to make some money working from home and taking surveys, you will need to weed through the scams and try to find two or three sites that are actually legitimate in order to actually make some money. Even then, the money is minimal. One site says they will pay you to read emails, which sounds simple. However, they only pay a cent per email that you read; that does not add up quickly. You will have to read over a hundred articles to even get a low payment of twenty dollars. Is it really worth it? You have to ask yourself that question before signing up. Sometimes it is more of a pain than anything else and not worth the money you make from it at all.
Though there are a few websites that are legitimate and will actually pay you to take their surveys. Most of these offers are scams that ask for you to put money up front in order to participate. Either that will be the case, or if they actually pay you for the surveys, they pay very little for each survey, and it is not even worth your time in the end. If you have all the time in the world, by all means, take some surveys and make a few extra bucks. However, if you are a busy person whose time is precious, it is just not worth it for you to take these surveys, and make pennies for each one. The choice is ultimately up to you, obviously, but no one is going to strike it rich by taking surveys online. It is only a supplemental income of a few dollars per survey, and sometimes not even that much. However it's the perfect past time to do if you need to make extra money.

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Local Internet Marketing

Are you interest about local internet marketing, if you interest and need more information please visit our web!

Can Nuclear Get Greener? The Green Benefits of Depleted Uranium De-conversion

Nuclear power as a sustainable, environmentally-sound source of electricity is enjoying a comeback in terms of public opinion, but it still faces public and environmental challenges. On the one hand, the near zero-carbon emissions characteristic of nuclear power plants is attractive to industry and environmentalists alike. On the other hand, concerns remain about potentially-harmful environmental effects of the uranium-based fuels that make it possible.
Nearly all of the concern with nuclear power has focused upon the back end of the fuel cycle, namely the storage and disposal of spent fuel as high-level waste. While spent fuel has been the major focus issue surrounding nuclear power, there is actually another disposal issue at the front end of the fuel cycle: that of dealing with the large quantities of depleted uranium hexafluoride, which is a by-product of the uranium enrichment process.
Since the beginning of the nuclear power era approximately 60 years ago, there has never been an economical solution for the management of the large quantities of these depleted UF6 tails. And yet, an anticipated shift in the near future from foreign to domestic enrichment of uranium will result in a significant increase in depleted UF6 tails produced in the U.S..
A new commercial concept for an environmentally friendly de-conversion process is currently being advanced. The process design extracts high purity fluoride from the depleted tails using their patented process. This process is environmentally-friendly, energy saving, and it allows new and useful products to be created as a result.
A Brief Overview of Nuclear Fuel Cycle
To understand the meaning of “depleted” uranium and de-conversion, it is useful to have an overview of the nuclear fuel cycle.
A form of uranium, enriched in the U235 isotope, is used as fuel in nuclear reactors. In order to use uranium as a nuclear fuel, it must first be enriched, as follows:
1. Uranium that is mined from the earth is converted into uranium oxide or “yellow cake.”
2. The yellow cake is converted to UF6 gas through a multi-step chemical process using various chemicals, including fluorine. In the process, the uranium is converted into UF6 gas.
3. The UF6 gas is passed through a enrichment process at an enrichment facility. In the enrichment process, the U235 atoms present in the UF6 gas are enriched significantly from their naturally-occurring levels.
4. The enriched UF6 is then processed into uranium oxide and fabricated into nuclear fuel.
5. However, about 90% of the UF6 emerges from the enrichment process as depleted UF6, or “tails,” in which the concentration of the U235 atom has been greatly reduced to the level that is not economically or feasibly useful for further enrichment to reactor fuel.
The depleted UF6 tails mentioned in step 5 above have historically been stored in large steel cylinders and ignored for years, or even decades. In the U.S. alone, there is already in excess of 1.6 billion pounds of stored depleted UF6 stored in enough cylinders that if you were to line them up end-to-end they would stretch for more than 130 miles.
At the present time, a vast amount of the enriched uranium required to fuel the existing U.S. nuclear reactors actually is imported from overseas. There is, however, a significant shift in effect towards domestic commercial uranium enrichment. Therefore, the proper management and storage of these domestically-produced depleted UF6 tails will become an important issue confronting the nuclear industry.
Direct Disposal of Depleted Tails is Not Acceptable
Depleted UF6 is a chemical form of uranium that cannot be directly disposed because it is chemically reactive. Therefore, in order to dispose of depleted UF6, some or all of the fluorine must be removed in a de-conversion process. This de-conversion process changes the uranium to a non-reactive (or less-reactive) oxide state. In this new granular or powder, solid state, the depleted uranium can be disposed in approved and licensed low-level radioactive waste landfills.
Historically, there has been little or no economic incentive for de-conversion since the fluorine has effectively been wasted. However, the anticipated dramatic growth in U.S. commercial enrichment creates a need to address the management of depleted UF6 produced from commercial enrichment companies and the new de-conversion process can extract value.
A Green De-Conversion Solution for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle Industry
The de-conversion process design is both environmentally-friendly and economically-valuable. The process utilizes a proprietary Fluorine Extraction Process (FEP) to produce high-purity fluoride gas. FEP can be used to produce a variety of economically-viable pure fluoride gases.
There are several aspects of this new depleted uranium de-conversion process that clearly demonstrate its role as a “green solution” for the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle.
First, de-conversion itself is effectively a recycling process in which valuable fluoride material is recovered from the depleted uranium.
Second, some of the products produced by fluorine extraction are used in manufacturing thin films and photovoltaic (PV) materials for solar applications.
Third, producing fluoride products using FEP will save millions of pounds of CO2 emissions because of the energy efficiency of this process compared to conventional production methods.
As the nuclear fuel enrichment process increasingly takes place on U.S. soil, the Fluorine Extraction Process will offer a solution which is both environmentally-friendly and economically-valuable.

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Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Medical Castors For Hospitals and Institutions

The last thing you want as a patient in hospital is a bed that is too high off the ground, making it extremely uncomfortable every time you move in and out of bed! You also need your hospital bed to manoeuvre smoothly through the wards and operating theatres, and not be a bone shaker! From an institutions point of view they need bed castors that are durable, yet non marking. Durability is important as the castors and wheels are exposed to heavy wear and tear, chemicals and heat from the cleaning processes. The non marking property of medical castors is also an important consideration as they don’t want streaks all over their hospital floors. So ensuring bed castors meet all of the needs of comfort, durability, hygiene and safety is often a tall order. Not for medical castors!
Medical castors come in a wide range of designs, but their main features benefit from a protected castor housing, which ensures the castors can withstand wear and tear and even regular cleaning at high temperatures. Medical castors also come in a range of heights, suitable for a variety of hospital bed designs. Whether twin wheel or singular wheel varieties, medical castors often have sealed bearings and dust guards to prolong the life of the castor and protect the internal bearings and workings. The foot brakes have also been specially designed to be easily locked, again to ensure the ease of use and practicality of the bed castors. Hospital staff, porters and nurses have been included in the thoughts behind the design of medical castors to ensure the castors are practical and easy to use. As a result medical castors have been a popular choice for hospital bed manufacturers and have won a number of awards for their form and functionality.
Its not only beds that require medical castors, but also a range of medical equipment, from MRI scanners and x ray machinery to every day trolleys that move medicines, equipment and even food around the institutions. All these require medical castors suited to an institutional environment. These medical castors can withstand temperature, cleaning, friction, chemicals and wear and tear. Other challenging environments for institutional castors are operating theatres. In such clean, hygienic surroundings, with sensitive equipment, antistatic medical castors are often used. These electrically conductive castors ensure the safety of the sensitive equipment by absorbing any electric charge. Anti static or electrically conductive castors are instantly recognisable by the yellow dot on the wheel or castor housing.
For less demanding environments within institutions such as care homes, schools and colleges, there are a range of castors that may suit the job. There is still furniture and equipment that needs to be moved to ensure the smooth running of these institutions. Popular choices tend to be either polypropylene or rubber wheels, and these institutional castors have the flexibility of having either a bolt hole fitting, to be attached into tubular legs, or a square top plate fitting. So for demanding environments such as hospitals, operating theatres and institutions, medical castors have been the wheels these large organisations are depending upon!

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Sabtu, 16 Juli 2011

Castors Moving Boats on Dry Land

As an island nation our maritime history and heritage is well documented, however castors and wheels are the driving force moving boats in our marinas. There are several hundred marinas dotted around our British coastline, housing a variety of boats and yachts both moored or stored on dry land. Marinas tend to be defined as a harbour or wharf for keeping boats and yachts for recreational purposes. They differ from ports as they do not engage with cargo or passenger ferries and boats. Most marinas provide a range of services, such as cleaning and repairs, mooring, dry storage, refuelling and chandlers shops. Many castors and wheels are utilised in the transportation and lifting equipment used to manoeuvre the boats and yachts around on dry land, and in and out of the water. Castors and wheels can be seen in marinas on boat trailers, castors on boat racks and castors on sling lifts and gantries.
The most common types of castors used in marinas would be on the large variety of trailers. A boat or yacht trailer needs to be able to launch, retrieve and carry the boat or yacht as required. Traditional designs are trailers housing two larger wheels at the rear of the trailer and jockey castors at the front. Jockey castors are swivelling castors designed to aid the manoeuvrability of the boat trailer and are often fitted with castor clamps or castors brakes to keep the trailer in a locked and safe position once stationery. Jockey castors on trailers often have a ratchet attached to enable the castor to be raised or lowered into position as required when stationery or on the move. These types of boat and yacht trailers on castors are not designed for long term storage, more for launching and retrieving small boats from the water. The preferred castors and wheels used on boat trailers tends to be rubber wheeled castors, as they are resistant to the marine environment. For longer term storage castors are used on boat frames, which house the boats on dry land. As these frames are not used to launch the boats, they tend to be simpler in design, utilising polyurethane castors or nylon castors. The boat frame is a cradle on castors, and can also have braked castors to ensure the frame remains in a stationery position.
For larger boats and yachts, hydraulic trailers moved by castors or launching gantries sitting on castors and wheels are the preferred options. These heavier duty castors and wheels have to have strength and durability and also resistance to the harsh marine environments. The corrosive nature of sea water, salt and bad weather can affect the type of castors and wheels used on gantries and heavy duty trailers. Lighter weight gantry cranes can sit upon nylon wheeled castors. The nylon wheel material provides the gantry with manoeuvrability as well as strength and durability. Nylon is not corroded by the harsh elements in the marine environment. For heavier duty gantries and boat lifting and towing equipment, the most suitable choice of castors and wheels would be a cast iron castor. These heavy duty castors, mainly used on rails, provide the strength and durability that is required when moving larger yachts in and out of the water for maintenance, storage and repairs. The heaviest duty castors for moving boats and yachts would be the twin wheeled fabricated towing castors. All these castors both light duty castors and up to the heavy duty castors, keep boats and yachts moving in and out of our British waters.

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Selasa, 12 Juli 2011

Prepare Your Future and Be a Professional Nurse

If you become confused determine the future, then immediately took the decision to enroll in a health institution for which we manage that is nurse school in california. We guarantee you'll become a nurse who has the skills and extraordinary abilities. Our faculty team consists of people who are competent and professional in the field of health. Education time is very short but disciplined and organized. We also are supported by educational facilities are very modern and sophisticated tech.
You can choose the education location closest to the of residence that is in Fresno, San Mateo, Concord and Modesto. Even we also provide the finance aid for those who need it. Education expenses that we apply are very affordable and lightweight. Therefore, you immediately visit our website to obtain more accurate information.

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

The Huge Benefits of Becoming an At-Home Medical Transcriptionist

If you are seriously looking at your career choices for working at home then take a good look at becoming an at-home medical transcriptionist. There are a lot of benefits associated with this profession, and one of the best ones is the ability to decide whether you want to work in an office or set up your own business at home. Here is a list of a few of the benefits of setting up your transcription business at home.
1. You will have many tax advantages. Any medical transcriptionist that opens her own office inside her home has access to numerous tax savings as long as the office is used exclusively for business. You can write off many of your home business expenses, and make use of other tax savings as well. You can deduct vehicle mileage, health insurance premiums, a portion of the cost of your equipment, such as a computer/printer etc., and also a portion of your home for electric, phone costs etc. The tax advantages are too numerous to list!
2. You will have freedom. This is what a lot of people are looking for in a home business, and with a medical transcription career you will be able to experience this benefit. You will be working for yourself and can set your own hours and have a totally flexible schedule. Many work-at-home parents transcribe according to their children's school hours and nap times in order to make extra income for the family. This allows you to attend your children's field trips, award ceremonies etc., and not feel like you are missing out. If you would prefer to work in the evenings, you can; if you want to work early in the morning instead, you can! This is the very reason that I became an at-home medical transcriptionist in 1994. I wanted freedom with my time so I could be their for my daughter. This is also an ideal career choice for people that are taking care of relatives at home.
3. You can reach your true potential as a business person. The sky is the limit when you run an at-home medical transcription business. You can take on as much work as you can handle, and if you want to take on more you can outsource work to other transcriptionists and make a nice profit on it. Many work-at-home transcriptionists earn a lucrative income by starting a business and hiring other transcriptionists as sub-contractors.
If you have a good listening ear and are good at English and grammar, you will probably enjoy medical transcription. Typing speed is not particularly an issue, as the accuracy of the patient's note is of utmost importance, and speed comes with practice anyway. The person that best suits this type of work is able to spend time alone and not be dependent on others for social interaction during working hours. Also, a person that is detail oriented will enjoy this work. It is not difficult to do, but it does take some training.
All of these benefits are available to anybody that wants to start an at-home medical transcriptionist career. Everyone has their own reasons why they want to work at home, but no matter what your own personal reason is, you will find that this opportunity offers all of the benefits you see listed above and many more. Take a look at this incredible field of healthcare and see if it makes a good fit in your life. Unlike many work-at-home scams, medical transcription is the "real deal", and has given me the freedom and earnings I desire, and am very happy with, and I'm sure you will be too!

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Senin, 04 Juli 2011

Offshore Roustabouts - The Workhorses of the Offshore Drilling Industry

Offshore roustabouts are the workhorses of the offshore oil industry, and if you are looking for a new job or career, then you may have found the perfect match - the need for roustabouts offshore is high and going higher. The work is hard, the hours long. But the pay and benefits are good, and you'll be creating your very own economic recovery. Rather than just hoping things turn around (it will be a while), take charge! There has never been a better time to start a career in the oil industry, and once you are working offshore, a lot of options are going to present themselves to you.
Roustabouts are entry level positions, to be sure. But a great many companies prefer to promote from within, and offer training and education for those who want to advance into positions of great responsibility - and reward. You'll find a lot of people in very senior positions offshore who got their start as a roustabout, worked hard, put in their time, and climbed the ladder to a very successful and lucrative career.
A typical offshore rig has many roustabouts; it is, in fact, the leading entry level job offshore to be found in the rig's marine section as well as the drilling section. Almost all new hires in both sections will come on as roustabouts, even if they would be qualified for a higher position on land. The reason for this is that things are done differently offshore, and the way to really learn the ropes is to start at the bottom, master the procedures used offshore, and prove yourself. Once they see you are likely to stick around, the opportunities to advance will come fast and often.
Roustabouts offshore will usually be placed in a position where they are working directly as a helper or assistant for someone in a more senior position. In many cases, this will mean working with the roughnecks on the drilling crew, or with the riggers and crane operators on the marine crew. Roustabouts could also find themselves working with the painters and welders, taking more of a maintenance role.
Roustabouts will help with a wide variety of tasks on one of these rigs, including maintenance, cleaning the decks, removing rust from the beams, erecting scaffolding, loading cargo, attaching loads to the cranes, assisting the welders and mechanics, or providing lunch breaks to the roughnecks when times are slow.
On the drilling crews, roustabouts will be learning drilling operations, working closely with the roughnecks for a good deal before getting to handle the hydraulic clamps and winches for manipulating the pipes used to drill with. This gives you the advantage of really learning the job before you actually start doing it, and allows you to ease into what is a very challenging and often dangerous job. In this type of scenario, you really do benefit from having those who know more looking out for you and giving you the wealth of their experience as you master new skills and learn a new trade.
Since there are such a wide variety of jobs a roustabout could end up doing offshore, there are many career paths you can choose from. Usually though, most will choose to advance up the drilling ladder or the marine ladder, becoming drillers or crane operators respectively. From there, many move into management - and you can too.

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Web-Based Physical Therapy Software For Physical Therapy Audits Has Many Benefits

WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA — Remember when Web 2.0 was the new buzzword? It turned the information sharing world on its ear with social networking and video sharing sites, blogs and a whole host of Web applications.
Perhaps the most endearing aspect of Web 2.0 has been the ability to interact with other users and create content from anywhere a person can access the Internet- not just their home or office.
Web 2.0 is shaping business solutions in many fields today, including physical therapy audits, said Dr. Jay Winburn, president of Prognition Corp., a company that has developed technologies that enable knowledge and information to be appropriately stored and easily recalled.
The company introduced Mavenlive in March 2009 as a Web-based tool to streamline physical therapy assessment, documentation and exercise prescription processes for physical therapy practices.
To appreciate the significance of Web-based solutions for physical therapists, it is important to understand the alternative, Winburn said. Knowledge stored via software on a particular computer is limited, for the most part, to that computer. If a program or a modified exercise is on one computer, that program or modification isn’t available on another.
“You can have your own office network to get around some of those problems, but if you want to work on a patient’s chart from home, you don’t have that advantage,” he said. “Web-based applications means those charts are accessible anywhere, any time.”
Many physical therapy clinics using desktop applications for documentation and prescription of rehabilitation exercises pay a premium for their own server.
“This is expensive because once you put patient data on it, you just can’t afford to lose it,” Winburn said.
Going this route requires a “Redundant Array of Independent Drivers” computer, which means a high capital expense. For a small clinic without IT support, this hardware becomes oppressive because maintaining it is costly and a certain level of expertise is required that the average clinician simply doesn’t have.
Essentially, the idea of a clinic having its own in-office network that is up to the task of storing patient data sounds easy, but is difficult to achieve.
“If you go to a Web 2.0 application, you literally can access it with the cheapest computer there is because all you’re doing is accessing the Web,” Winburn said. “Because it’s available anywhere, anytime, it becomes easy to access, enter and share knowledge and you’ve just eliminated most of the headache of having a computer system.”
The benefits of Web-based rehabilitation software don’t end there. Going with this option eliminates installation processes and the need for hard drive space, said Vinny Lingham, a speaker and search engine expert who founded Yola, a browser-based software development company.
Updates can be made seamlessly with Web-based software because they are applied to the server, rather than to each individual user. The next time the user logs into the system, they see the latest updates, Lingham said.
Web-based software also is safer, according to 37signals, a Web-based software developer whose clients include Kellogg’s and Mayo Clinic.
Traditional software requires information to be saved onto USB drives, portable hard drives and laptops. However, users don’t always back up their computers properly. Laptops can be stolen; USB drives lost.
Using Web-based software means the data is securely stored and backed up daily.
Compatibility often is an issue when it comes to software. Most Web-based software these days functions on any platform with an Internet connection and a Web browser, according to 37signals.
Customization also is among the benefits of many Web-based applications, Winburn said. Changes often can easily be made upon request, as opposed to discovering a shortcoming in desktop software and waiting for the vendor to make an improvement, should there be enough users who detect the same shortcoming and it is deemed worthy of correcting.
Good Web-based software should make it easier for physical therapists to tackle documentation, which can be one of the most time-consuming aspects of their jobs, Winburn said. Entering information with some Web-based solutions is as simple as pointing and clicking.
Lingham sited these additional benefits to Web-based software:
1- Low-cost maintenance and support
2- No viruses
3- Compatible with mobile devices
4- Less expensive because they are easier to produce. No packaging, shipping costs and printed manuals means they are cheaper to produce and can be sold for less that desktop software.
About Maven Live and Prognition Corp.
Maven Live was created in March 2009 by Prognition Corp., an exercise prescription software company headquartered in Canada’s National Research Council’s Biomedical Commercialization Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Maven Live is a complete clinical solution that presents “best practice” patient assessments and exercise prescription to ensure consistence within physiotherapy offices. This physical therapy software automatically generates customizable documentation, reports, and letters to referring doctors, improves patient outcomes, automates processes and documentation and saves time.
Because it is Web-based, users can access the software anywhere they have an Internet connection.
Prognition Corp. is a software company that develops computer solutions for knowledge management. The company’s name stands for “programmed cognition.”
© 2010 Master Google and Maven Live. Authorization to post is granted, with the stipulation that Master Google is credited as sole source. Linking to other sites from this article is strictly prohibited, with the exception of herein imbedded links.

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