Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

Any Truth to the Market America Scam Claims?

The headline screams: Market-America Scam. Should you be concerned?
After all, you want to start your own home business and were seriously considering becoming a Marketing America Inc Unfranchise Business Owner. Is there any truth to these negative claims, and would it be wise to take a closer look?
Consider the evidence. JR Ridenger, with a well respected, well-educated executive management team, established Market America Inc in 1992 - almost two decades ago! The company manufactures and distributes a wide variety of personal, household, beauty and health products to a worldwide market including operation centers in the United States, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Over three billion dollars of products have been sold, and two billion has been paid out as commissions to company distributors. Scam? Hardly.
If there really was any truth to the market-america scam claims, don't you think the FDA, FTC or some other government agency would have stepped in and shut them down? Of course, and with over 180,000 active distributors striving to build their own independent businesses the legitimacy of the company cannot really be questioned.
Truth Behind Most "Market-America Scam" Notices
Shh. Don't tell anyone. But one of the most powerful ways to grow your new market america business is to find people who are already considering joining the business and simply persuade them to join you and your team instead of moving forward with the person who introduced them to the business.
Sound harsh or unethical? Perhaps. But it is a very common marketing practice online.
Search for any company, product, guru or business opportunity online and you are will most certainly moments find any number of scam claims. Why? Because these types of headlines are effective. They prey on our desire not to make a mistake and not to do anything foolish or silly. It preys on our desire for social proof and assurance.
Negative ads are effective because you don't want to risk being hurt - emotionally or financially. Especially when it comes to investing your money in a home business. So you jump online and start researching. Because it is often better to be safe than sorry.
Now the magic is you can use this uncertainty to your advantage by simply making prospects aware of a potential hazard or concern they might not have been aware before. "Market-America Scam - Beware" and I instantly have your undivided attention. Now I simply need to keep your interest long enough to deliver my message and ask you to take action on that message. What message? Any message. Because I have your attention.
The key to making serious money promoting any business online is to first determine exactly who your best prospects and potential customer are. Then figure out exactly what they would be searching for when in the marketing for your particular product or service. What words and phrases, specifically, are they sitting down and type in the search engines. Then simply write and distribute content written to give them exactly what they are looking for.
So there you go. Take it for what it is worth, and may you have great success in your new venture. But be careful. You might be walking into a market-america scam!

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